10 worst & 10 best foods to eat for low carb


Read the labels and most snack foods are high in carbs, wheat, sugar, colours, preservatives, trans fats …. Make your own snacks which are cheaper and healthier. Don’t eat pretzels, chips, wheat puff balls, corn chips, or microwave popcorn. Sadly snack foods are rewarding, but they increase our appetite and are addictive.


We have been told for so long to avoid cholesterol and to use seed oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean oil, corn oil and other seed oils instead, but they are high in Omega 6 which causes inflammation throughout the body. Just watch the video at the end of this post, to see how canola oil is made, extracted, bleached, boiled and refined. All the waste products are sadly fed to cattle! Like that’s a good thing!


No matter where the sugar comes from it will raise your insulin, increase your appetite, stop fat burning and increase fat production and affect your cholesterol profile. So don’t think that honey, dried fruit, maple syrup or agave (90% fructose so is actually just a natural HFCS) is any healthier. The body sees it as sugar. Yes, there may be a small amount of nutrition in these compared to sugar, but many people tend to go overboard on them thinking they are a healthy alternative. A few nutrients they contain is not enough to outweigh the damage sugar does to our bodies.


Read the labels of the meat products you buy. Highly processed meats contain nitrites and nitrates which are controversial as the research hasn’t come to a clear conclusion. To be safe, buy meat that is unprocessed and fresh. If you do want processed meats such as bacon or salami, go for the brand which has the fewest ingredients. Buy the products which have the highest meat content, for example, sausages should be at least 80% meat. Many of the studies done on processed meat have not made the distinction between hot dogs and bacon from the bone. They do not also take into account the damaging oxidised french fries served alongside and the high sugar ketchup.


Read my entire post on cereals, and why if you understand what is wrong with cereals you will understand what is wrong with modern food production. How companies turn cheap grains into socially acceptable cereals, packed with sugar and fortified.


When fat is removed from products, sugar or HFCS is added as a cheap alternative. So low-fat products are high in sugar and carbs. Look at the carb content of regular cream cheese 4% compared to low-fat cream cheese which is 15% carbs. By removing the fat, you also remove the fat soluble vitamins such as Vitamin A, D, E and K. Fat makes you feel fuller for longer. Good fat improves our cholesterol profile and good fat is nutritious and necessary for good brain health.

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