11 Reasons Why We Should Eat Pineapple Daily. Number 6 Is Most Important

4. Prevents cancer

Pineapples contain antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin A, bromelain, beta-carotene, and flavonoids which can treat various types of cancer.

Pineapple is also packed with manganese, which can fight free radicals and treat oral, throat, and breast cancer.

5. Improve your digestion

Pineapples are rich in fiber which can boost your digestion and prevent numerous digestive problems, including constipation and diarrhea.

Fiber keeps your blood pressure in check and control the passage of food through the digestive tract. The soluble and insoluble fiber found in this fruit can bulk up your stool and treat atherosclerosis and IBS. Fiber can also regulate your cholesterol levels.

6. Treat coughs and colds

Vitamin C has the ability to prevent infections and colds. Combined with bromelain, it can provide even better results.

This powerful combination will thin out the mucus in the airways and sinus cavities, which in turn promotes quick elimination and treats coughs and colds.

7. Improve the health of your bones

Pineapples are an excellent source of manganese, a mineral which is essential for your bones. One pineapple has up to 70% of the RDA of manganese. This is more than enough to maintain your bones strong.

8. Improve your oral health

Due to their astringent properties, pineapples can relieve the inflammation in the gums and reinforce them. This will keep your teeth healthy.

This fruit can also prevent bone and teeth lose and strengthen your gums. Pineapple is often recommended as a natural remedy against gum recession and loose teeth.

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