12 All Natural Toothache Remedies Your Dentist Doesn’t Want You to Know About

Tooth pain was as common before modern dentistry as it is now, but then people had no other option but rely on natural remedies to address their pain.

While modern medicine comes with its own options, natural remedies can help avoid the dentist and their solutions as long as used properly.

Tooth Pain Causes
Although cavities is believed to be the underlying cause of tooth pain, there are many other causes, too. Among them are:

Repetitive motions, such as chewing hard foods or grinding teeth
Infected gums/ Gum disease
Tooth decay
Tooth eruption ( in small children)
An abnormal bite
Abscessed tooth
Tooth fracture
A damaged filling
As for the symptoms, some of the most common include a sharp, throbbing or constant pain, fever, headache, and swelling around the teeth.

12 At Home Toothache Remedies


Clove oil is packed with eugenol, a compound with potent antiseptic and anesthetic properties which is used in modern dentistry t kill germs and relieve gum pain. According to one study, eugenol is as effective as benzocaine in numbing pain.

Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with a few drops of clove oil and apply the solution to the area of pain with a cotton ball.  Remove the ball when the area is numb, and rinse the mouth well. Another option is to simply chew a few cloves using the affected side of the mouth.


This paste helps reduce swelling, alleviate pain, fight off infection, and keep bleeding in check.  To make it at home, mix ginger and cayenne in equal amounts along with a little bit of water.  Soak a cotton ball in the formula and apply onto the affected tooth.  Let it work as long as possible.


This solution is made of a teaspoon of salt and a cup of boiling water.  It combats infection and alleviates throat pain. It also helps ease swelling and flush away debris.  Allow to water to cool and swirl it around the mouth for half a minute.


According to a 2013 study, peppermint oil is very effective antiseptic solution against oral pathogens. For optimal results, drink peppermint tea containing a teaspoon of peppermint leaves steeped for 15-20 minutes. This delicious tea will also alleviate bad headache and bad breath, both of which are typical side effects of tooth pain.


“Myrrh’s astringent properties help with inflammation, and a rinse can offer the added benefit of reducing bacteria,” writes RDH. For DIY myrrh rinse, simmer a teaspoon if myrrh in two cups of water.  Allow it to cool and use a few times daily.


Garlic has the ability to combat fungi, bacteria, and viruses. Its active ingredient called allicin doesn’t respond quite well to health, so it is recommended to use raw garlic when using it for medicinal purposes.

Crush a garlic clove and let it sit for a few minutes to activate its compounds. Combine it with a bit of salt and apply onto the painful tooth. Another option is to chew the clove a few times daily using the affected tooth.

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