13 Reasons to Try CBD Oil

Cannabis oil for liver health

Fatty liver and cirrhosis are degenerative diseases of the liver. Cannabinoid receptors exist in liver tissue. Cannabis oil prevents liver cell oxidation, a key factor in the deterioration of the liver.

CBD oil for colitis

Similar to Crohn’s disease, colitis is a chronic immunoinflammatory condition of the colon. The lining of colon deteriorates and its contents leak, presenting a septic condition. Fortunately, cannabinoids affect the cells of the lining, making them bond tighter together to restore integrity and healing the lesions. Moreover, CBD reduces inflammation and eases the pain of colitis and other inflammatory bowel diseases.

Cannabis oil for insomnia

While everyone is different and responds to any particular solution depends on the individual, CBD oil can help induce sleep for people with insomnia.

Cannabis oil for multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating disease of the brain and how it communicates with the rest of the body. Symptoms include pain, spasticity, muscle stiffness, and decreased mobility. CBD can reduce pain and improve spasticity and stiffness.

As we’ve seen in the context of Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, and other neurological diseases, CBD oil may have a protective effect, reducing inflammation and allowing neurotransmitters to communicate normally.

CBD oil for nausea

There are many causes of nausea and it is usually a passing situation. Nausea that accompanies other illnesses, however, is often chronic. Chemotherapy in particular often causes patient nausea and vomiting. CBD eases nausea and suppresses vomiting.

CBD oil for chronic pain

Cannabidiol is an anti-inflammatory, non-euphoric, non-addictive, non-toxic analgesic from which use no one has ever died. In fact, in those states where medical marijuana is legal, painkiller overdoses have dropped twenty-five percent. CBD safety has been established by thousands of clinical trials and by the use of ordinary people in the treatment of pain.

There is evidence that the root cause of some conditions of chronic pain is endocannabinoid deficiency. This explains why CBD is so effective in treating pain – it gives the body what it’s lacking.

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