Chocolate French Toast

I LOVE french toast.  Like really, really love it.  It’s probably my all time favorite breakfast food.  It probably explains why my ass is so big.  So when I stumbled into Sprinkle Bakes Chocolate French Toast recipe, I KNEW I would be trying it out.

Now, I had to modify it a little.  For one, I didn’t have a big thick delicious loaf of Panera bread.  I only had plane old Home Pride wheat sandwich bread.  Such is life.  And I also didn’t use quite as many chocolate chips that the recipe called for.  Not because I didn’t want to…because who would ever want to use less chocolate chips?  But, because I didn’t have a full bag like I thought I did…I guess someone ate more out of the bag than they thought they did.  It was still plenty delicious.

Oh, I added strawberries, too.


Chocolate French Toast


  • 1 loaf of your favorite bread “Texas Toast” works really well on french toast because it’s very thick
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup hot water
  • 6 large eggs I added extra eggs because I needed to feed 5
  • 2 cup milk original recipe called for cream that I didn’t have. Milk worked just fine
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 6 oz. semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 bag of frozen organic strawberries thawed
  • syrup I used my homemade syrup
  • butter


  • In a small bowl, dissolve cocoa powder in hot water. Whisk until blended; set aside.
  • In shallow square tupperware or baking dish, whisk together eggs, milk, sugar, vanilla and salt. Add chocolate cocoa mixture; whisk again until mixed.
  • Spray your non-stick pan with non-stick spray (overkill?) and heat over medium high heat. Dip bread pieces in egg mixture, turning once to make sure it’s completely coated and place in pan. Flip toast after about 2-3 minutes and cook other side until golden brown. Repeat process until all your bread is cooked, or you run out of egg mixture. I keep my cooked toast in the oven on warm while I finish cooking it all.
  • To serve, take 2 (or more) pieces of toast and stack them on a plate. Sprinkle a small handful of chocolate chips over the top, adding a few in between the pieces for good measure. Top with butter, syrup and strawberries. Whip cream would probably be really good, too but I didn’t have any this time.


Seriously…the best french toast I’ve ever had.
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