Stop Purchasing These Olive Oil Brands NOW!

Absolutely disturbing! 70 percent of Olive oil in America has been cut with nastier, cheaper oils – meaning totally fake!

One of the Europe’s secrets to longevity has been absolutely corrupted in the last few years. We all know it is healthy, beneficial with tons of medical properties, BUT 7 of the largest olive oil companies in America have been cutting their olive oils with inferior, cheaper oils (such as canola or sunflower oil) – just to minimize the cost of production!

The Italian police conducted a major crackdown in 2008, also known as “Operation Golden Oil” where the seizures of 85 oil farms were actually adding canola oils and chlorophyll to sunflower and then selling it as on as EXTRA VIRGIN OIL!

This fake oil is actually flavored, colored, perfumed and then mixed before being sold as Extra Virgin.

When we are talking about investigations, Australian government investigated their whole olive oil market where none were given the 2012 certification for being Extra Virgin Olive Oil after testing all its brands.

The University of California conducted a study where 124 brands were examined and 70 percent of the samples failed the tests.

These are the guys that did not pass the test:

  • Mezzetta
  • Coricelli
  • Carapelli
  • Whole Foods
  • Safe Way
  • Felippo Beiro
  • Mazola
  • Primadonna
  • Antica Badia
  • Sasso
  • Star
  • Coalvita
  • Baretolli
  • Pompeian

Here are the companies that PASSED the tests on NEXT PAGE

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