7 Clear Warnings Your Husband is Cheating on You

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6. He suddenly starts being keen about his appearance and health

Everybody likes a nice-looking husband who takes his time at the gym, but be cautious if this is an odd behavior of your husband. If your spouse abruptly likes looking good naked, it could also be that he suddenly is super-aware about calories in popular foods.

According to a licensed Imago Relationship Therapists Shlomo Rabbi Slatkin, LCPC, MS, The Marriage Restoration Project co-founder; cheating husbands often feel like they are new people, just like the first time they fell in love with you. The excitement of meeting a new person, being wanted, or confidence may make a cheating spouse feel like they are different people.

You have to comprehend why your spouse is more interested suddenly in his appearance. In case there are zero reasons which explain his new interest in appearance, then he could be trying to impress his mistress with his looks.

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