Cherry Bomb Chicken

Sharing is caring!


  • 1 cup buttermilk
  • 1 tsp table salt
  • 1 & 1/2 Cups flour for dredging
  • 1 tbsp Instant Karma
  • Sliced pickles for garnish
  • 1 3-4 pound chicken, cut into pieces for frying
  • 4 tbsp Cherry Bomb Hot Sauce
  • Oil for frying ~ 1 quart or more


Combine buttermilk and Instant Karma in a bowl large enough to hold the chicken pieces.

Toss chicken in the buttermilk mixture and let it rest in refrigerator for 4- 24 hours. Turn the chicken in the bowl at least twice while it rests.

Combine flour and salt in a shallow bowl.

Heat oil in a deep fryer or dutch oven to 350 F (the oil should be 1 /1/2 to 2 inches deep before adding the chicken).

One at a time, shake buttermilk from chicken, dredge chicken in flour mixture, shake again and gently place chicken in hot oil. Be careful not to crowd chicken.

Fry chicken for 20 minutes, flipping at least once. Check the internal temperature to make sure it is 160 F or higher. If desired, hold finished pieces in a 200 F oven until all the chicken is finished frying.

Combine the Cherry Bomb with 2 tablespoons of the fryer oil and brush on the fried chicken.

Serve with pickle slices.

Sharing is caring!

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