Eggless Melt In Your Mouth Cookies

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These cuties are buttery, crispy and melt-in-your-mouth cookies. Egg-free and 4-ingredient recipe.

This recipe is adapted from the crumble dough in  my Strawberry Cheesecake Crumble Bars. I was trying to make something new out of it but the experiment failed  I was about to give up and move on to the next recipe but throwing out the dough is such a waste!

So I tried to fix it by adding a splash of milk. I was so happy that the dough became more workable! Still, it’s not the texture I wanted for my new recipe.

My other options were (1) butter but I’m afraid the finished product would become greasy and (2) egg but the dough might become too gooey.

Oh well. There’s no turning back. Just put it in the oven!

My worries disappeared as I watch the dough buttons bake beautifully. I was saying “Gosh they’re so cute!” each time I take them out.

Side story: It took me less than an hour to make this but 3 days to think of a title! Ariel suggested to call it “Cukies” or short for cute cookies. That’s when I came up with “Cutie Patooties“. Because I’m running out of time, thinking too much causes headache and I don’t have any other choices. Sorry daddy  (Shhhhh… he’s not aware yet I rejected his idea 😯)

Okay… here comes the moment of truth: The Dreaded Taste Test. No matter how cute these baked goodies are, there’s no sense if the taste sucks.

Ah… tears of joy flowed as I munch the cookies. They’re sooo darn good 😭

Oh, I was really crying because the cookies are very hot they burnt my tongue 😢

The taste brings back my childhood memories. You know, it tastes like (but not exactly) our local Uraro cookies. They also look like the eternal Pacencia biscuits. Both are my childhood favorites.

So here’s how to make it…

Mix together flour and sugar then add the cold butter. It’s very important to use quality butter here. Not margarine, oil, fakes and wannabes. Good butter = awesome flavor. Slice the butter into tiny pieces so it can blend easily into the flour mixture.

Next is to cut the cold butter into the flour mixture. You may use fork or pastry cutter. But I like using my hands. This way, I can feel or check carefully if there are still chunks of butter left in the mixture. Just press or pinch the butter in the flour until it becomes soft and crumbly. Continue until it forms a dough ball.

This is the time to add the milk. Fold the dough by pressing it against the bottom of the bowl until it absorbs the milk.

Measure 1 teaspoon of dough and arrange them in the cookie sheet. Roll into balls then slightly flatten with your palm. Don’t make them super flat! They should be slightly flat yet thick.

Bake for 10 minutes or 12 minutes if you want it more crispy. Let them cool first before serving or your tongue will get burnt like mine.

I hope you enjoy these cutie patooties!

Eggless Cutie Patootie Cookies

Buttery, crispy and melt-in-your mouth cookies. Eggless and 4-ingredient.
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes


  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • ¼ cup brown sugar
  • 6 tablespoons COLD unsalted butter, cut into tiny cubes
  • 1 teaspoon milk (I used full cream)


  • Preheat oven to 350F degrees. Line 2 cookie sheets with foil.
  • In a medium bowl, stir flour and brown sugar until well combined.
  • Cut the cubes into the flour mixture using a fork or pastry cutter. The best way for me is using my hands so I can check/feel if there are still cubes of butter in the mixture. Press and mix until it forms into a dough ball.
  • Add milk once the dough ball is formed. Mix by repeatedly folding the dough until milk is fully incorporated. It will become a bit sticky.
  • Spoon 1 teaspoon of dough into lined cookie sheets, with 22 pieces of dough on each sheet. Roll into balls then lightly flatten them with your palm. Do not make them super flat! If many cracks are forming on the edges it means you are pressing/flattening them too much. We want a slightly flat yet thick cookie.
  • Bake in 2 batches (22 pieces of dough for every batch) for a minimum of 10 minutes and maximum of 12 minutes to make it more crispy. Let the cookies cool in the sheet. Allow the cookie sheets to cool down as well before removing the cookies.
  • Keep the cookies in an airtight container at room temperature. No need to refrigerate. These cookies are best consumed within 2 days but you can keep them up to 5 days. Note that the cookies start to soften on 4th day.


Make Ahead: Do steps 2 to 5 then cover the entire cookie sheets with plastic/cling wrap. Keep in the freezer until ready to bake.
When you're ready to bake, remove cookie sheets from freezer then preheat the oven to 350F degrees. Bake for 12 minutes.
The surface of the cookies will not be as smooth as the unfrozen ones. Small white dots may appear due to condensation but it's totally fine. To reduce the spots, pat dry the flattened dough pieces with a paper towel before baking.

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