Grilled Cheese Rolls

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It is a little morbid to think about, but if you had to decide right now, what would be your very last meal on Earth? As Blair and I drove to the Shake Shack a few weekends ago, I claimed mine would definitely be a cheeseburger and milkshake. This week I decided that yes that would be a delicious final meal, but can you really beat a grilled cheese and tomato soup? Grilled cheese has been one of my absolute favorite things to eat as a youngster and also as an adult. It also is dear to my heart because whenever my Mom would go away and Dad was in charge, we would have grilled cheeses for dinner. I honestly think one of the reasons why I hate packing lunches for work every day is because I can’t pack a grilled cheese. Have I convinced you how much I love them yet?

Of course, grilled cheese is not wonderful in my book unless accompanied by tomato soup. Don’t you worry, I have a recipe coming for you on Wednesday. Last year, I saw this idea of doing grilled cheese rolls–genius I tell you! So much better for dunking into that tomato soup. They are super easy to make and are probably going to be my go-to for future grilled cheeses. If you are a grilled cheese lover like myself, try these soon, I bet your kids will love them too!

Grilled Cheese Rolls


  • 4 slices wheat or white bread, crusts removed
  • 4 slices American or cheddar cheese


After removing the crusts from the bread, take a rolling pin and slightly flatten the slices of bread. Add a slice (or two) of the cheese, carefully roll the bread, and place seam side down. Heat some butter in a skillet and place the rolls seam side down. This will secure them so they stayed in the rolled shape. Once the seam is sealed, roll around in the melted butter until all sides are golden brown and the cheese is melted about 5 minutes.

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