We all know that lemons are one of the healthiest foods on Earth, and this beneficial citrus fruit offers miraculous health benefits.
It boosts the immune system and cures numerous diseases and health conditions.
Yet, lemons must be organic in order to supply the body with its countless nutrients. You can buy organic lemons from a local farmer, or grow a steady supply of the citrus fruit at home.
Lemon trees cleanse the air, while the fruits, despite the unique flavor and aroma, are a real natural medicine. What’s more, growing them is very simple and easy.
Here is all you need to do:
You need organic lemons, some fertilizer, and a natural compost.
Put the soil in a 24 inches wide and 12 inches deep pot, and spray enough water to make it damp, but not soaked. Cut the lemon, remove a seed, and while it is still dump, bury it in the middle of the soil, half an inch in it. Spray the soil with some water again and cover the pot with a plastic wrap.
Seal it with a rubber band, and take a toothpick, to poke several small holes on the top. Place the pot in a sunny area in the home, to ensure an 8-hour exposure to sunlight during the day.
Add a bit of compost regularly, to feed the plant, and prune the dead leaves off as it grows. Make sure you regularly water it.
As soon as the lemon tree outgrows the pot, replant it in a bigger one. Soon, the tree will produce bright yellow lemons. Pick them when ripe, and reap their numerous benefits!