Homemade Waffle Ice Cream Cones

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We’ve had a lot of ice cream around our house lately. (Of course, that’s more than fine with me!) However the hubby doesn’t love ice cream as much as I do and thinks we’ve been having too many desserts around the house lately. Um, is that even possible?

Anyway, I told him that I was done experimenting with strawberry ice cream since I had found the perfect recipe.

…then today happened. I tasted the most delicious strawberry cheesecake ice cream. It was sooo good. I loved the chunks of cheesecake crust mixed in. I guess I’m going to do have to do a little more experimenting with strawberries.

On to the current recipe.

Who knew homemade waffle cones are so easy to make? I sorta did cheat on this and bought a waffle cone press. However, I did make them once before I got the waffle cone press by baking them in the oven. You can also apparently make them on a panini press. (See notes below for both of the other options.)

The batter is quick and easy to mix up, and its not hard to bake them even if you don’t have a waffle cone press. (Just be sure and make them very thin if you’re not using a press.) The hardest part of the whole process is rolling the cone. You really do need a good cone form to roll it up. I think that a funnel would work too if it was the right size. Just don’t use one you find in the automotive section at Walmart. Not that I am speaking from experience or anything…


  • 1 egg
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 2/3 cup all purpose flour, sifted
  • 2 Tablespoons butter, melted and slightly cooled


1. In a bowl, mix eggs and salt together until combined. Using a mixer, slowly beat in sugar on high until completely mixed and eggs have lightened in color (1-2 minutes).

2. Pour in the flour and mix until all flour is wet. Then whisk on medium again just until lumps are out of the mixture. Pour in the cooled, melted butter and stir to combine.

*3. Spoon 2-3 Tablespoons onto a preheated waffle cone iron and cook according to directions. (Alternatively you can use a panini press)

4. Remove the waffle quickly and place on a towel. Immediately roll the waffle around cone form and hold to secure shape. You can use the towel to help you roll because it will probably be too hot to touch. Pinch the bottom of cone to seal it while it is still hot. (This step must be done very quickly while the waffle is still hot, otherwise it will not shape correctly.) Make sure to keep holding the cone until it is slightly cooled so that it retains its form. Fill with ice cream!

*If you do not have a waffle cone iron, you can bake them in the oven instead. Preheat the oven to 350°. Place 2-3 Tablespoons of batter on a silpat or parchment lined baking sheet. Spread the circles as flat as you can. (You will probably only get 2 waffles per baking sheet.) Bake for 10-15 minutes, or until waffles are a golden brown color. Proceed to step #4.

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