Simple, Inexpensive Ways to Improve the Value of Your Home

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As you can imagine, we are working hard to do all that we can to make our home as attractive and functional, as possible, so potential buyers will see it’s value. Selling a home is always a little stressful for me, since patience is one of those virtues I’m still working to cultivate.   As we have gone through this process, so many times, I have learned that it’s not always necessary to spend huge amounts of money to prep our home, if we are willing to invest a little quality time and elbow-grease.

I agree with so many of the tips offered in this home improvement article that was recently shared with me, so I agreed to pass on the excellent information to all of you. If any of you, like me, are going through the process of selling your home and planning a move, this summer, I hope you’ll find these quick tips beneficial, too.

As one of the most valuable assets many of us will ever own, there are plenty of reasons why we would want to look at ways to make improvements to our home. Not only will improvements add monetary value, they will also add function and enjoyment when using the space. Adding value doesn’t always have to cost an arm and a leg, however, and there are plenty of affordable ways you can enhance your home and add value at the same time. Whether it’s through creating more floor space by storing items in a storage facility or refreshing tired areas of the home by giving them new life, here are some quick wins to improve the value of your home.

New Paint

Never underestimate a fresh coat of paint to make a space feel revitalised. A new colour scheme can bring an older property into the modern era and help to make the space feel fresh and well maintained. In smaller homes, light coloured paints can also create the sense of more space, reflecting more light and helping to open up the area.

Deep Cleaning and Tidying the Home

The cleaner and brighter a home looks, the more perceived value it has in the eyes of potential buyers. Invest in professional carpet cleaning, and window, roof and exterior pressure cleaning to brighten the paintwork and exterior of the home. Not only will it boost street appeal, but deep cleaning will also make your home look newer. If you are planning on selling your home, before any inspection, also ditch the clutter by packing personal items away, out of sight. Storage companies such as Fort Knox also offer packing supplies, making the process easier – click here for more information. Keeping your home free from excess personal belongings and clutter will present your home in a neutral way for prospective buyers and can be the difference in them being able to visualise themselves in the home.

Create an Outdoor Living Space

A dedicated outdoor living area will increase the amount of living space in the home and help to facilitate a desirable indoor/outdoor lifestyle. Whether it’s building a deck or just enhancing your existing patio or veranda with an outdoor furniture setting or hanging baskets, having a welcoming outdoor space to spend time will add value and get plenty of use. Think about privacy from neighbours, somewhere to sit and eat and how the space is decorated to get the most from the area.


The more landscaped the property is, the more it will feel like a sanctuary and capture imaginations of potential buyers. A fence will help to keep pets and kids secure as well as give privacy, and trees and shrubs near the home can provide shade and help keep the home cool. Landscaping doesn’t have to be extravagant or expensive, but an attractive garden that has character will instantly boost the value of the home, especially when compared to a similar home in the same street that has no established garden.

Do you have some inexpensive, simple tips to help improve your home’s curb appeal and make it more attractive to prospective buyers? Share them in a comment, below!

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