Slow Cooker Vegetarian Moussaka

Sharing is caring!

Prep Time: 20 min

Serves: 8

Cooking Time: 7-8 hours

Yield: 8 large slices


  • 3 cups Eggplant, raw
  • 1/4 tsp Kosher Salt
  • 1/2 head medium Cauliflower, raw
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Black Pepper
  • 10 Baby Dutch Yellow Potatoes, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup Bulgur Wheat
  • 6 oz Tomato Paste


1. Slice eggplant crosswise 1/4 inch thick then halve.

2. Arrange on a baking rack over a sheet tray and season with salt. Rest ½ hour, flip and repeat.

3. Cut cauliflower into donut-hole pieces. If you’re going to prepare the cauliflower purée separately, set a pot of water on the stove over high heat and steam over the water in a colander 5 to 7 minutes. Using an immersion blender, blender or food processor, blend adding ½ to 1 cup of water until smooth and spreadable but not watery. Season with salt and pepper.

4. Spray the inside of the slow cooker with vegetable or olive oil spray. Evenly arrange layers of eggplant on the bottom. Season with salt and pepper. Evenly layer the potatoes over the eggplant. Season with salt and pepper. Repeat.

5. Pour layer of bulgur wheat evenly across the top, season, then repeat layers of eggplant and potato reserving enough eggplant on the side to end with it.

6. Mix tomato paste with an equal amount of water, then pour evenly over top, spreading into the cracks. Season, then top with final layer of eggplant.

7. Cover with an evenly spread layer of puréed cauliflower.

8. Set the slow cooker on high and cook 7 to 8 hours, then cut out a portion, trying to maintain the structure of the moussaka and serve.

Sharing is caring!

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