Sweet Potato Fries & Cinnamon Strawberry Dip

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Sometimes it’s nice to change things up and this super easy dip paired with sweet potato fries is a fun (and healthy) way to do it.  Not to mention it’s totally kid-friendly too.  I originally was going to do a honey Greek yogurt with cinnamon but last minute decided that strawberry was a little more out of the box but still tasty sounding, so why not give it a try.  For a not quite as sweet dip you can definitely use honey Greek yogurt or even a Greek yogurt with vanilla, cinnamon and a dash of nutmeg would be good.


  • Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries by Heinz
  • sea salt (to taste)
  • 4 oz. (1/2 cup) strawberry Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon


Preheat your oven to 400°. Bake the sweet potato fries as directed on the package. I did a half a pan for 20 minutes. (I probably could have really done them at 425° though because our oven sucks.) If they aren’t quite as crisp as you’d like them to be turn on the broiler for a few seconds to get a little extra crunch.

While the fries are baking in the oven mix up your dip. In a small bowl add the strawberry Greek yogurt. You can either use a pre-measured 4 oz container of strawberry Greek yogurt (I like Stonyfield Organic Oikos.) or measure out 1/2 cup from a larger container. Sprinkle 1/4 tsp. of ground cinnamon into the yogurt and stir to combine. This is the perfect time to invite the kids into the kitchen to help you too!

The kids and I loved the combination of flavors. The cool creamy strawberry yogurt mixed with cinnamon complimented the sweet potato fries nicely. I served the fries and dip with rotisserie chicken and a garden salad. It was a quick and easy dinner that everyone enjoyed. (Well, except for the one yogurt non-lover in our house. Personally I didn’t think it tasted yogurty at all.)

We had fun shopping at Sam’s Club for the Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries by Heinz along with our other groceries. There was even a super surprise waiting for us outside of the store when we were leaving, take a peek!


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