12 min Eggs-n-Oats Recipe

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Ingredients :

  • 1 whole egg
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 c. rolled oats (Quaker Oats)
  • 2 oz skim milk (just more than a splash)

Directions :

Minutes to Prepare: 10 | Minutes to Cook: 2 | Number of Servings: 1

Add all ingredients to bowl, mix well.

Spray non-stick spray (Pam, for example) in a skillet or frying pan.

Add all ingredients; scramble as you would with ordinary eggs.

When eggs-n-oats reach desired texture (just like scrambled eggs–wet, dry, somewhere in between), remove from heat, plate.

There are lots of options for seasoning, which I’m sure people will add to below. I prefer some combination of cayenne, hot sauce, and a moroccan spice blend I have at home. Some people make it sweet with honey, berries, bananas, cinnamon, splenda, agave nevtar, truvia, etc. Everyone feel free to add your preferred eggs-n-oats prep below!

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