Ham & Cheese French Toast Roll Ups

Sharing is caring!


  • 3 slices of melting cheese, each cut into 4 strips
  • 2 small slices of ham (around 50g / 1.5 oz)
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 tbsp milk (full cream or low fat)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 egg (large)
  • 6 slices fresh sandwich bread


Optional – cut the crusts off the bread.

Use a rolling pin to flatten the bread.

Divide the ham between the bread and lay it out in a strip about 1cm / ⅓” wide along the bottom edge of the bread. Cut to fit neatly if necessary – that’s what I did.

Top each with 2 slices of cheese, or scatter grated cheese along the ham.

Starting from the bottom, roll the bread up and finish with the seam side down.

Place the egg, milk and salt in a flat dish and use a fork to whisk.

Heat butter in a large fry pan over medium high heat.

Dip the roll ups in the egg, rolling to coat all over. Then place in the fry pan. Place all roll ups in the same pan.

Cook the roll ups for 45 seconds to 1 minute, then turn 90 degrees. Repeat again 2 more times (so 4 sides of each roll up is browned).

Remove from pan and serve immediately.

Sharing is caring!

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