Home Made Caramel

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The first thing do is add 1 cup of sugar with 1/4 cup + 2 Tablespoons of water into your pan. Swirl content together, take note not to stir with a utensil only use a swirling motion, if you use a utensil it will cause it to crystallize.

Boil the water and sugar swirling every few minutes until it turns a dark amber color. Take note to keep the temperature at medium high if it’s to low it will boil the water out and crystallize.

Once amber in color add 1/4 Cup of butter, use a whisk to stir in the butter evenly, keep on heat to help melt the butter. Cut the butter into small pieces to melt faster.

Take off heat and slowly stir in 1/2 Cup of heavy whipping cream. If you add it to fast it clumps the caramel mixture. You may the 1/2 teaspoon of salt at this point to make it a salty caramel taste if you would like.

Once done mixing let sit for 15 minutes to cool and it should look like this.

And there you have your own home made caramel.

Home Made Caramel


  • 1 Cup sugar
  • 1/4 Cup + 2 Tablespoons water
  • 1/4 Cup butter
  • 1/2 Cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 Teaspoon salt optional


  • On medium/high mix sugar and water, swirl together bring to boil.
  • Let boil until its dark amber in color. Once dark amber add the butter mix on heat.
  • Take off heat and add the heavy whipping cream slowly while stirring.
  • Let cool 15 minutes and serve.

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