Homemade Cranberry Sauce

Sharing is caring!

This Cranberry Sauce recipe was actually one my mom found that we used for Thanksgiving dinner, since this uses fresh cranberry, it does come out a little tart/sour.

I happen to like the taste, but if you would prefer it to be sweeter you can add more sugar until it reaches your approval.

Homemade Cranberry Sauce


  • 12 oz bag of fresh cranberries
  • 1 Cup of sugar
  • 1 strip of orange or lemon zest we used orange
  • 1/8 Cup of water


  • Pour 8 oz of your 12 oz bag of cranberries into pan
  • Add sugar, zest, and water.
  • Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally; until sugar dissolves and cranberries are soft (about 10 min.)
  • Increase heat to medium and cook until cranberries burst (about 12 min.)
  • Reduce heat to low and add the last 4 oz of cranberries
  • Mix together then serve

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