Lemon Cheesecake Pie with Raspberry Sauce (Sugar-Free )

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After shopping for as many years as I’ve been grocery shopping, you’d think I’d know better than to buy a jar without checking the safety button on top to see if it had been opened. But last shopping trip was in a hurry and just grabbed stuff. So, next morning when I went to open the apple jelly – I was gobsmacked to see the complete surface covered in grayish-green mold !! You know that had to have been sitting on the shelf a long time to have that much mold growing on it. Odd thing was that it was right in the front of all the jars. Not like someone had opened it and tried to hide it. Needless to say, it is going back.

Fixed a new sugar free dessert for David this week. I haven’t tried anything new in quite a while and fortunately he really seemed to enjoy this one. Never know how these things are going to turn out. It was a pie made from sugar free lemon and cheesecake puddings; topped with a little whipped cream; and then drizzled with fresh raspberry sauce and a little SF caramel sauce.

It is very quick and easy to fix – and for those watching their ‘fats’, it can be made using low-fat milk and low fat whipped cream. Or just leave whipped cream off totally. It is equally good both ways. But in my opinion the topping helps mellow the pudding. But then I don’t like the taste of milk.


1.  To make the pie have ready a Graham Cracker pie shell – bought or home made.

2.  In a medium size bowl, prepare the 1 box SF Lemon and SF Cheesecake pudding mixes together with 3-1/2 cups cold milk. Optional:  Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon flavor.  Beat as directed for pie filling.      Note: I’ve pictured half and half, but as you know I buy that since it has a much longer ‘shelf life’ than milk. I use it in recipes calling for milk by replacing milk ingredient with 50% water / 50% half and half.

3.  To the mixed puddings add 1/2 cup Cool Whip – stir in with a whisk to evenly distribute.

4.  Pour into pie shell and chill for 1-2 hours before serving.  Note: I prefer to prepare each slice as we eat it – but if you are serving the whole pie then you may want to go ahead and cover with whipped cream and sauces before cutting.

To serve individual pieces, cover each slice with a little whipped cream and then drizzle with the caramel and raspberry sauces.

Our local store didn’t have any raspberry sauces, syrups or jams, so the following is the recipe I used to make the raspberry sauce – 50% sugar free. It was wonderful and I can’t wait to try it on some ice cream – if there is any left !

Raspberry Sauce


  • 1 Cup fresh or frozen raspberries (defrosted)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup Splenda
  • 1/4 cup water


Bring sugar, Splenda and water to a boil on the stove stirring continuously

Once boiling, add in the raspberries

Cook for about 1 minute

Remove from heat (I let mine sit for about 5 minutes before continuing)

Liquify mixture in blender

Strain blended mixture through a sieve to remove the seeds

Cover and chill

Refrigerate any leftovers. I would only keep this in the fridge for a maximum of three days.

Note: To maintain texture of the sauce I used 50%  Splenda® and 50% sugar, and for those not watching their sugar in take, you can use all sugar.


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