Pepper Steak (Quick & Easy Meal)

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I’m so happy to share one of my families favorite meals with you finally! I have probably made this meal a dozen times since starting this blog but have never been happy with the photos. I know that photos can be a deal breaker for some amazing recipes and didn’t want that to be the case here.

This quick 30-minute pepper steak is a game changer for your dinner line-up.

Seriously, the flavor is amazing! We recently had 2 of our nieces over at dinner time and happened to be having Pepper Steak. The youngest took one look at the peppers and turned her nose up. My husband convinced her to take one bite, and if she didn’t like it, she didn’t have to eat it.

She took the bite and then cleared her plate and asked for seconds. Score!

When I can make a meal that has kiddos devouring their veggies, it is a keeper.

The details:

There are only a few ingredients in the quick and easy meal.

  • 1 lb Stew Meat or Stir Fry Meat – We sometimes have frozen London Broil or Roasts in the freezer, and I’ll just slice that up instead!
  • A Green Pepper
  • A Red Pepper
  • 1 Medium Sweet Onion
  • 2 Packets of McCormick Low Sodium Brown Gravy
  • 2 TBSP Low Sodium Soy Sauce
  • 1 1/2 Cup Water
  • 1 TBSP Olive Oil

Slice up your veggies and saute over medium heat about 5 minutes and then add your beef.

*If you’re serving over rice like I do, you’ll want to start that now to time it right. 🙂

Cook beef, occasionally stirring for about 15 minutes.

Fill your measuring cup with 1 cup of water and add in 1 TBSP Soy and 1 Packet of Brown Gravy. Whisk and pour over beef and veggie mixture. Repeat with remaining 1/2 cup of water, Soy and Gravy Packet. Reduce heat to LOW and simmer 5 minutes until gravy thickens.

Add your Pepper Steak to your buttered and salted rice and ENJOY!

Pepper Steak (Quick & Easy Meal)

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


  • 1 lb Sliced Beef
  • 1 Green Pepper
  • 1 Red Pepper
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 Packets Low Sodium Brown Gravy
  • 2 tbsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce
  • 1 1/2 cup Water
  • 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil


  • Heat Olive Oil in deep frying pan over Medium Heat.
  • Saute Veggies about 5 minutes.
  • Add your beef and continue to cook over medium eat stirring occasionally for about 15 minutes or until cooked through.
  • In a measuring cup, add 1 cup of water, 1 gravy packet and 1 tbsp of Soy Sauce. Whisk until blended and pour into beef and veggie mixture. Do this again with your remaining 1/2 cup of water, gravy packet and soy.
  • Cook on low stirring often for about 5 minutes or until gravy thickens.
  • Serve over rice.

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