Poor Man’s Cajun Potatoes

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  • 4 Red Potatoes
  • 3-4 Hot dogs
  • Old Bay seasoning
  • Water


Wash then cut potatoes into 1 inch chunks.

Place the potatoes in a standard (3-4 quart) pot, and fill with water until just covered.

Add Old Bay seasoning until liquid is thoroughly saturated.

Poor Man’s Cajun Potatoes recipe step 3 photo

Bring to a boil, and cook until potatoes are fork tender.

Dice hot dogs into small pieces, and add to a heated sautee pan.

Once the hot dogs have good color, add potatoes to pan with little or no liquid, and continue to sautee

Once potatoes begin taking on color, add half of your cooking liquid to the pan.

Cook until reduced by half or completely absorbed.

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