Pumpkin French Toast Recipe

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It’s that time of year again: pumpkin season! Pies, lattes, scones, muffins, cupcakes – you name it – and I bet there’s a pumpkin recipe for it. But what about Pumpkin French Toast? Ever tried it? Now you can!

I want you to think back to the most mouth-watering french toast you’ve ever had. Maybe it was at that little cafe down the street, or in your mom’s kitchen as a child growing up. One thing I know for certain is that with any great french toast recipe, it’s all about the bread.

I’m takin’ the thick, flakey slices that turn into melt-in-your-mouth, creamy pieces of french toast. There’s no room for soggy or thin when it comes to brunch! Cue the Organic Rustic French Bread loaf from La Brea Bakery (pictured on the left, below.)

When La Brea Bakery contacted me about developing a recipe for them, I immediately googled their breads and went straight to the first thing that I look for on every food label: the ingredients.

  • organic wheat flour
  • water
  • sea salt
  • Yeast
  • organic semolina
  • sour culture
  • organic malted barley flour

No added sugar, no fillers, no preservatives, no nonsense.

La Brea Bakery revolutionized artisan bread in the US over 25 years ago. Today, they offer more than 200 varieties of authentic artisan bread, from baguettes, ciabattas and focaccias, to loaves, sandwich breads, flatbreads and more. To find out where you can buy a loaf, search here.

When developing this Pumpkin French Toast recipe, I opted to test out two different breads from La Brea Bakery: the Toasted Sunflower Honey Loaf and the Organic Rustic French Loaf. They came partially frozen, so all I had to do was pop them in the oven for 18 minutes and voila (!), freshly baked bread.

I tried this recipe with both loaves, but decided the Organic Rustic French Loaf was the better fit. The Honey Loaf was too grainy for french toast, and changed the overall taste. However, I would (and did) pair both of the leftover loaves with a variety of recipes. We ended up eating them with soup and for breakfast (avocado toast for the win!)

La Brea Bread is:

  • healthy
  • fresh
  • flakey
  • crispy edges, soft interior
  • aromatic (can you smell waft of freshly baked bread?)

I will always endorse a product that is healthy & delicious! So, the next time you’re looking to seriously impress (whether that be for a brunch, date, or just for yourself) consider picking up a loaf of La Brea Bread and recreating the fall-themed recipe below ↓.

Pumpkin French Toast


  • 1 Loaf Organic Rustic French Bread
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 3/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/8 tsp ginger
  • 1/8 tsp cloves


  • pure maple syrup, powdered sugar, blackberries, pears, nuts Optional


  • Cut the La Brea Bakery Organic Rustic French Bread into 1-inch thick slices.
  • In a separate bowl, mix the milk, canned pumpkin, eggs, vanilla, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and cloves.
  • Soak each slice for 30 seconds to 1-minute on each side in the batter.*
  • Using a high-quality, non-stick pan, prep with a little butter and start to cook the soaked bread slices (I recommend cooking for at least 1 min. on each side, depending on your stove.)
  • Top with fixings and enjoy!


*This is an important step! If you don't soak the bread, you're not going to get the creamy french toast we all desire.
**If you're not going to add any toppings to your french toast, you'll probably want to increase the original amount of brown sugar to 3+ tbsp to get to your desired sweetness.

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