Slow Cooker Italian Fish Stew

Sharing is caring!

Serves: 4-6

Cooking time: 3-5 hours


  • 1 onion
  • 3-4 garlic cloves
  • 1/2 small red chilli
  • Handful of parsley
  • 1 tin of tomatoes
  • 1kg- 1 1/2kg fish.
  • A couple of handfuls of pasta.
  • Olive oil
  • Bread, to serve.


Chop the onion. Add to slow cooker.

Chop this lot. Add the garlic, chilli and half the parsley to the slow cooker, with a tablespoon of olive oil.

Add the tomatoes. (I have a named brand here because it was on special at Morrisons, but budget-brand tomatoes will do just as well.) Fill the empty tin with water, and add that too. Keep the tin…

Add the slosh of white wine, if you have some, and leave the broth to cook. I generally leave it for three hours on the high setting, or five hours on the low setting.

An hour before you are ready to serve, add the smashed-up pasta, the fish and half a tin of water.

Serving time: season to taste, sprinkle with the rest of the parsley, and serve with fresh bread. Yum!

Sharing is caring!

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