Very Berry Smoothie Bowl for Breakfast

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I present to you, the Very Berry Smoothie Bowl.

Yes, I’m incredibly late to the smoothie bowl party that was, like, so two months ago, BUT I cannot. stop. eating. smoothie. bowls.  So stinkin’ good!  Thank you, food blogging world, for not letting a smoothie be just a plain ol’ blended drink in a cup anymore, but kicking it up 10 notches by turning it into a breakfast phenomenon and adding amazing toppings.  OMG, YES.  THE TOPPINGS.  The smoothie bowl toppings quite possibly, could be, actually, may be the best thing about smoothie bowls.   I’ve even seen smoothie bowls… where even the toppings, have toppings.  WHUT.  Shut the front door.

This version is kind of a “classic” smoothie bowl if you will, and kind of a play on the protein smoothie I made a couple months ago.  But with toppings.  So naturally, it was destined to be amazing.  You can use whatever berries you have on hand.  I tend to lean towards my staple of raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries (which are in season and amazingly juicy), then pop in a banana for creaminess and thickness.  Then add in greek yogurt, chia seeds, flax seeds, protein powder and honey, then blend it up real good.  As for toppings? (So many options!!)  I love, lauhve, lurve a good crunch, so I whipped up a batch of my vanilla almond granola, but swapped the almonds for pecans.  I’ve been digging on pecans lately, but you can use whatever nut you like!

This may be one of those “recipes thats not a real recipe” but this is certainly one of my go-to’s for breakfast.  Sometimes, you gotta have easy staple to lean on when you’re tired.  Or cranky.  Or feeling blah.  Or just totally out of brain power and you need to make something thats quick, nutritious, and easy.  Look no further!  This very berry smoothie bowl will do the trick.  I know I’ll be needing a few of these bowls to get me through the rest of the summer months… gotta have energy for all the upcoming planning!

Make the Smoothie:  Gather all your ingredients.  I swear, it’s so much easier to throw it in when it’s all ready to go!



In a blender, combine 3/4 cup of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.

Add to the blender 1 banana…

1 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt…

And for the sake of speeding up these easy peasy, obvious steps along :), add in 1 1/2 TBS chia seeds, 2 TBS vanilla protein powder, 1 1/2 TBS of flax seed, and 3 TBS of honey. I promise the honey is in there!

Pour in about 1/2 – 1 cup of milk (depending on how thick or thin you like your smoothies).  Be sure to make sure it drools over the front of you blender and all over the floor.  (I mean… were my eyes even open when I was pouring?!)

Blend on high for about 3-4 minutes until silky smoothie smooth.

Pour a lot or a little into a bowl.  I went with the “a lot” route, but I think 1-2 cups will suffice any normal appetite.

Add the toppings:  Top your smoothie with fresh fruit and granola.

I call these next photos, “progression of toppings”. It’s real pretty!


You can also top your smoothie bowl with fruit, seeds, nuts, granola, chocolate (YUM), etc.. Totally customizable for whatever mood you’re in!

Very Berry Smoothie Bowl for Breakfast

Very berry smoothie bowls are a perfect blend of berries and nutrients, topped with more fruit, seeds, and granola for a crunchy bite!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Servings 4 cups


  • ¾ cup blueberries
  • ¾ cup raspberries
  • ¾ cup strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • cup plain greek yogurt
  • TBS chia seeds
  • 2 TBS vanilla protein powder
  • TBS of flax seed
  • 3 TBS of honey


  • For this recipe I used fresh fruit and homemade granola, but you can also top your smoothie bowl with: seeds, nuts, granola, chocolate (YUM), etc.. Totally customizable for whatever mood you're in!


  • Make the Smoothie: In a blender, combine ¾ cup of blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. Add to the blender 1 banana, 1½ cup plain greek yogurt, 1½ TBS chia seeds, 2 TBS vanilla protein powder, 1½ TBS of flax seed, and 3 TBS of honey.
  • Blend on high for about 3-4 minutes until smooth. Pour 1-2 cups (or however much you want) into a bowl
  • Add the toppings: Top your smoothie with fresh fruit and granola. You can top your smoothie bowl with fruit, seeds, nuts, granola, chocolate (YUM), etc.. Totally customizable for whatever mood you're in!


I froze my berries before using them, hence their "frosted" look, but you can use fresh berries and add in ½ cup of ice to the blender.

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