Bavarian Potato Salad

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I grew up with my grandparents and every other week my grandpa would make this potato salad. We were always so excited for dinner that day and it was so hard to wait. You start that Bavarian Potato Salad in the morning, so that the flavors can perfectly come together until nighttime.

Do you know how hard it is to smell cooked bacon at 10am and then have to wait for it until 5pm?! It’s torture
While the north part of Germany makes their potato salad with eggs and mayonnaise, we make it with bacon, onions, vinegar and broth in the South – because we know what’s good.

There are a couple things that are really important to get the amazing flavors this salad should have: You have to make it at least 4 hours before serving (longer or even over night is best). You also really want to use bacon from the block, not thick cut, so that you have big chunks (trust me, it does make a difference).

My husband is in love with this salad and probably feels like I felt as a kid whenever I make it and he has to wait until nighttime.


  • ½ lbs bacon (from the block works best)
  • ¼ cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 small onion, coarsely grated
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • ¼ cup chicken/vegetable broth
  • 6-7 medium potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • ¼ oil


Boil your potatoes with skin on until soft enough to stick in a fork, but not so soft that they are falling apart

Peel them, cut in big chunks and place in a large bowl

Cut you bacon in big chunks and cook them until crispy

Pour bacon chunks and hot bacon fat over potatoes

In a small bowl combine vinegar, oil, broth and sugar

Add onions and liquid mixture to the potatoes and stir until all covered

Spice with salt and pepper (don’t be greedy on the spicing)

Cover with tinfoil and place in fridge for at least four hours


This salad can be served cold or (that’s how we do it) warmed up in the microwave 🙂

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