I wish I could take credit for this idea…but I cannot. I am not sure who looked at cake batter and decided to experiment with the ways it is poured…but a pat on the back for you sir or madam. It’s kind of like the guy who looked at a cow and said..”whatever is in that, I want to drink it”. Bless you my friend…you are braver than I. Ok, so maybe it’s not that dramatic…but still, pretty cool. I had some desserts planned for our family’s Easter gathering that were pretty sophisticated in nature. I needed something fun, easy and pleasing for the little kiddos that would be in attendance. I came across this cake on the Betty Crocker website.
How perfect could this be!! I did use the recipe exactly as written…however, I used an off brand mix and frosting since that is what I had in the pantry. At Aldi last week they randomly had a “neon” food color kit. Uh…wait…Aldi is always pretty random…also why I love it. I decided the blue, pink and lime green would be perfect for our Easter treat!!
This really is simple and can be used in so many ways! Shower cakes, birthday cakes, spring parties, or as an extra special treat for your child’s class! Everyone will ooh and aah over the colors..and at your “skillz”. Bravo, Betty Crocker, bravo.

"Color Me Cake" - Betty Crocker's Rainbow Ring Cake
- 1 Box White Cake Mix
- 1 container 12 oz White Frosting
- Water Egg whites, and Oil needed per box
- Food Coloring
For Cake
- Heat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour 12 cup fluted tube pan.
- Make cake mix as directed on the box using your egg whites, water and oil.
- Divide the batter into 3 bowls.
- Using your selected colors, color each bowl a different color.
- Pour half of the batter in your first bowl into the pan. Don't spread it around.
- Pour half of the second batter into the pan..again no spreading. It's ok to not be even.
- Pour half of the last bowl of batter over the previous layers in the pan. Again, NO SPREADING!
- Repeat these steps using remaining batter.
- Bake at 325 degrees per box's directions. Mine took about 45 minutes.
- Remove from oven and let cool on rack for 10 minutes then remove from pan.
- Let cool one hour.
- Divide the container of frosting amongst three bowls.
- Add the matching colors to the cake to the bowls of frosting.
- Microwave each bowl until frosting is consistency to "drizzle".
- Drizzle the three colors over the top of the cake...flat side down on plate of course:)