Hot and Cheesy Crab and Artichoke Dip

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Arrrggghhh….isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same exact thing over and over again expecting different results? Every week and weekend I draft this list in my mind of all the things I am going to accomplish…organize the upstairs linen closet…write 3-4 blog posts to get ahead of the game…..ZUMBA….Insanity….clean the house and have it last more than 24 hours…homework…the list goes on. Every week and weekend I basically get homework accomplished….look at the Insanity DVD Case as I hunt down the TV remote at 11:00 pm…think about a blog post….and organize squat. Yet…week in and week out…I draft a new list.

Anyways…it’s the weekend. Although the frustration of yet again not being able to accomplish everything I wanted to this week between work, school, kids activities..and well, pure laziness at times, I am thrilled that the calendar says Saturday. So…time for movies…games…and munchies. As the temperature outside starts to cool off today…I am thinking Hot and Cheesy Crab and Artichoke Dip. This recipe comes from Skinnytaste…and is awesome!

You can’t get much easier than this recipe…and yet, the taste is simply addictive! Start off by draining and chopping the artichokes. Chop up your crab meat and mix those and the remaining ingredients in a large bowl. Mix and move to a shallow baking dish to bake for about 30 minutes. Serve it with some tortillas, pita, or crackers and you are all set! The hubs was loving it!!

Hot and Cheesy Crab and Artichoke Dip

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 45 minutes


  • 14 oz can Artichoke Hearts
  • 1 lb. Imitation crab meat
  • 2 Tbsp Green Onion chopped
  • 6 Tbsp Mayonnaise
  • 6 Tbsp Sour Cream
  • 1/3 Cup Parmesan Cheese
  • 3/4 Cup Cheddar Cheese
  • 2 tsp. Tabasco Sauce
  • 1 tsp. Lemon Juice


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Drain and chop artichoke hearts. Chop crab meat.
  • In large bowl, mix artichoke hearts and crab with all other ingredients.
  • Transfer to shallow baking dish and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Serve with crackers, tortilla chips, pita...this dip will make anything taste good!!


Skinnytaste used light mayo, sour cream and cheeses...I did not. Should have ..hence the diet...but did not 🙂

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