Easy 4 Ingredient Pina Colada Frozen Yogurt

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Easy Four Ingredient Pina Colada Frozen Yogurt really is easy. When I say easy, I’m talking not even requiring an ice cream maker easy. It’s that lazy, I-feel-like-something-sweet-but-want-to-be-healthy kinda frozen yogurt. With just four whole ingredients and no added sugar, this is one effortless snack that you won’t hate yourself in the morning for! Gotta love that…

This recipe was made one night when I was having a serious sugar craving attack during my Month Without Sugar Challenge last month. Now, I admit I am pretty darn stubborn, and am not one to back out of a challenge, EVER. But I have to say, I wanted to quit so many times during my first week without sugar. Oh man, those first couple days were rough. They don’t call it a sugar detox for nothing. This detox was no joke. For the first five days with no sugar, I was angry, had a headache, had no energy, and was on the verge of breaking down the pantry doors and raiding the chocolate chip bag at any minute. Luckily, I found healthy ways to handle my sugar cravings. Whole fruit smoothies helped. And then, one night in desperation, I came up with this decadent pina colada frozen yogurt.

Maybe it was the four feet of snow outside and my yearning for summer, but I was just really craving a pina colada that night. And boy, this did not disappoint!

This frozen yogurt is creamy, naturally sweet, and has a wonderful toasted coconut flavor to it, without all the added sugary sweeteners. So don’t be afraid to dig in! And if you are planning on trying the Month Without Sugar Challenge, take it from this sugar addict–it will get better over time, I promise. In fact, by week four, I felt so great, I decided to keep the no-sugar challenge going. I’m on week 6 now, and going strong! If you are thinking about taking the challenge, I highly encourage you to try it. Your body will thank you for it!

To learn more about the Month Without Sugar Challenge, check out this article from The New York Times. Great read!


Easy 4 Ingredient Pina Colada Frozen Yogurt

All the flavors of a pina colada whipped up in a healthy frozen yogurt!  Only four ingredients, and no sugar added.  No ice cream maker needed!


  • 20 oz can crushed pineapple or 20 oz frozen pineapple no sugar added
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 3/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 2 Tbsp shredded coconut plain no sugar added


  • If using canned pineapple: Line a rimmed cookie sheet with wax paper. Add the crushed pineapple to the cookie sheet, and spread out in a thin layer. Freeze. If using frozen pineapple, skip this step.
  • Meanwhile, toast the 2 Tbsp shredded coconut (throw a little extra in if you would like to use some for garnish) in a small pan on medium low heat, stirring frequently, until golden. Make sure not to burn, this only takes a few minutes. Let cool.
  • When the pineapple is frozen, break it up into chunks, using a butter knife.
  • Add the frozen pineapple chunks to the blender, along with the yogurt, coconut milk, and toasted shredded coconut. Mix on high until smooth. It should be the consistency of soft-serve frozen yogurt. Serve immediately, or transfer to a carton and freeze a little while longer if you prefer a more solid texture. Garnish with more coconut flakes, if desired.
  • Enjoy!


Recipe Notes
If you'd like to add more of a rum flavor to your frozen yogurt, try blending in a splash (1/2 tsp or so) of rum extract.

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