Potato Noquis

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  • 1 potato for each person.
  • 1/3 cup of flour for each potato.
  • salt (to taste).


Cook the potatoes.

Mash the potatoes, add salt to taste.

Add the flour.

Mix it till you have a soft texture (if necessary add more flour).

Move the mixture to a flour covered table for forming.

Cut the mixture into small strips (more or less the size of a carrot).

Cut the strips into small squares.

Run a fork along the outside of each square to add design (optional).

Let them dry for a few minutes, keeping the squares separated so they don’t stick.

Boil water with salt. Carefully add the squares to the boiling water.

Stir slowly and with care.

When the Noquies stop floating, stop the fire and strain them from the pot.

Noquies are great with tomato salsa and grated cheese.

Sharing is caring!

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